The people behind the pixels
We are a community of creative renegades, cheerfully critical and unapologetically playful. Proficient in navigating rabbit trails, aficionados of a thousand esoteric subjects, and well-versed in the legends of Georgia Avenue — just ask us about the alligators.
Anne Plating
C. Eliott Johnston
Daniel De Guzman
Dustin Smoote
Emily Highsmith
Joseph Venable
Mario Perez
Matt Thomas
Nate Johnson
Patrick Burton
Ron Ott
Tyler Johnson
We also know how to get down
Beyond the desk, we are a team of artists and hobbyists. We bond over everything from triple-A games to our favorite books. Whether exploring the streets of Chattanooga or venturing further afield, we weave memories together. Be it tubing adventures, upgrading mechanical keyboards, or the leisurely enjoyment of estate pipes, we chase our passions both individually and collectively. Our diverse lives outside enrich our work within. Balance refreshes perspective and strengthens bonds. By letting loose, we ignite inspiration.